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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/13/2007
Selectmen’s Minutes
September 13, 2007

Opened: 7:05 P.M.

Present:  Earl Johnson, Christian Petersen

Motion  091307-1: Motion made by Christian Petersen, seconded by Earl Johnson to accept the minutes of the September 5th meeting as read, all in favor.

Motion 091307-2:  Motion made by Christian Petersen, seconded by Earl Johnson to accept the appointments of Andrew Samuelson for assistance at the Holland Elementary School under the Senior Employment Program, not to exceed 30 hours per week.  All in favor.  Motion amended, see minutes of 09/19/07.

Hamilton Reservoir to be drawn down October 9, 2007.

Special town meeting scheduled for September 24, at 7:00 PM in the Holland Elementary School.  Important budget issues to be decided.

Earl Johnson and Christian Petersen attended the Palmer Casino impact meeting held in Monson on September 12.  We are requesting two volunteers to join a review committee made up of representatives from the surrounding towns in the Palmer area.

Holland Senior Center has posted an Activities Director position.  This position will pay a salary of $7.50 and require a 20 hour work week.  The position will require applicants to be 55 or older and to be of low to moderate income.

Christian Petersen will contact the Board of Health to find out it any special precautions were required, including testing, of Hamilton Reservoir.  This is the result of the finding toxic blue green algae blooms in Lake Siog.
Warrants were signed and delivered to the Treasurer.

Motion 091307-3:  Motion made by Earl Johnson, seconded by Christian Petersen to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 P.M., all in favor.

Christian Petersen
Selectman, Clerk